
Derive Macro rkyv::Archive

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derives Archive for the labeled type.


Additional arguments can be specified using the #[archive(...)] and #[archive_attr(...)] attributes.

#[archive(...)] takes the following arguments:

  • archived = "...": Changes the name of the generated archived type to the given value. By default, archived types are named “Archived” + the name of the type.
  • resolver = "...": Changes the name of the generated resolver type to the given value. By default, resolver types are named the name of the type + “Resolver”.
  • repr(...): Deprecated, use #[archive_attr(repr(...))] instead. Sets the representation for the archived type to the given representation. Available representation options may vary depending on features and type layout.
  • compare(...): Implements common comparison operators between the original and archived types. Supported comparisons are PartialEq and PartialOrd (i.e. #[archive(compare(PartialEq, PartialOrd))]).
  • bound(...): Adds additional bounds to trait implementations. This can be especially useful when dealing with recursive structures, where bounds may need to be omitted to prevent recursive type definitions. Use archive = "..." to specify Archive bounds, serialize = "..." to specify Serialize bounds, and deserialize = "..." to specify Deserialize bounds.
  • copy_safe: States that the archived type is tightly packed with no padding bytes. This qualifies it for copy optimizations. (requires nightly)
  • as = "...": Instead of generating a separate archived type, this type will archive as the named type. This is useful for types which are generic over their parameters.
  • crate = "...": Chooses an alternative crate path to import rkyv from.

#[archive_attr(...)] adds the attributes passed as arguments as attributes to the generated type. This is commonly used with attributes like derive(...) to derive trait implementations for the archived type.

Recursive types

This derive macro automatically adds a type bound field: Archive for each field type. This can cause an overflow while evaluating trait bounds if the structure eventually references its own type, as the implementation of Archive for a struct depends on each field type implementing it as well. Adding the attribute #[omit_bounds] to a field will suppress this trait bound and allow recursive structures. This may be too coarse for some types, in which case additional type bounds may be required with bound(...).


Wrappers transparently customize archived types by providing different implementations of core traits. For example, references cannot be archived, but the Inline wrapper serializes a reference as if it were a field of the struct. Wrappers can be applied to fields using the #[with(...)] attribute. Mutliple wrappers can be used, and they are applied in reverse order (i.e. #[with(A, B, C)] will archive MyType as With<With<With<MyType, C>, B, A>).